Quick and Easy Hamburger Buns

Homemade Thin Buns

If your anything like me, you decide what’s for dinner about half an hour before your suppose to start preparing it. This usually leads to things like spruced up Ramen and breakfast for dinner in my home 🙂 Or frozen chicken burgers on regular sandwich bread.

The other night though, I just didn’t want sandwich bread, or maybe I didn’t have any? Who remembers? But, as usual I did not leave myself enough time to actually make buns so I went in search of buns without yeast.

I found a simple recipe that called for baking powder. The recipe was much like Indian Fry Bread. The only changes I made was to add more whole wheat flour and an egg. The egg adds to the texture and helps the bread stay longer.

I was pleasantly surprised with this simple recipe ♥ The buns have a mild rustic flavor and a nice texture…with just enough crunch to the outside.

If you’re looking for a thick, soft hamburger bun then this is not the bun for you. However, if you enjoy a more artisan style burger these would make a great addition to your meal.

So! If you’re in need of a quick alternative to a hamburger bun then here is the recipe for your enjoyment.

Don’t forget to check out my post No Yeast Homemade Pizza where I turn this recipe into delicious pizza 🙂

[gmc_recipe 1389]


You can choose to shape the dough out with corn meal, sesame seeds, or oatmeal for a different texture. Just don’t get too much flour on them when shaping or nothing else will stick to the dough 🙂

Also, feel free to use all white flour if you do not have a taste for wheat.

Happy Baking


