Picnic Placemat with Bias Bound Edges: Working My Way Through Stitch by Stitch

Picnic Placemat with Bias Bound Edges

I have finally finished my second project in Stitch by Stitch! for my Learn To Sew Better Quest, ( you may applause) I had a wonderfully long post for you explaining every step and detail but I have dragged my but long enough so now you get the condensed version. I do have some Valentines Day deadlines to hit ♥

So I don’t know if you remember, I was dreading this project a bit due to the fact that I just don’t seem to have any patience for bias tape 😦 But! wouldn’t you know it, I actually learned a new technic during my quest, the point I know.

I chose some fun food themed fabric, At least one is Alexander HenryI think. For the lining I used some natural linen.

The project actually calls for a fat quarter but I didn’t have any so I just cut my pieces out. Construction was simple and fun! Especially when I realized you can sew the bias tape on  by first sewing it open on the front side and then when you fold it over you stitch in the ditch to attach the backside. I’m sure at some point I’ll post a tutorial 🙂 Before I would just kind sew all over the place and hope for the best..haha.

When measuring my pockets I had some wooden salad plates in mind so I used one for the measuring of my first pocket. Then I just divided the left over space and sewed four equal slots.

When I finished my first placemat I thought it might be even easier to sew the bias tape on with a decorative stitch. I enjoyed that so much I decided to separate my pocket with the same stitch 🙂

Fun huh? I even had just enough fabric left over to make matching napkins for each placemat.

I’m not going to lie, shortly after starting the project I stopped following the directions and went with my instincts. So i designed the placemats to fold over the contents of the slots before you fold it in half for travel.

These placemats would really make a great gift. They are simple, fairly inexpensive to make, and super cute. Also, everyone loves the idea of a picnic.

Well at some point I might actually post a full tutorial on these, until that time my next project in line from Stitch by Stitch will be:

A Reversible Tote with a Flat Bottom.

This one should be fun!

Happy Sewing


A Hike for Piece of Mind

A Day at The Creek

Sarah and I decided to get out of the house rain or shine! Sick or not! Its been a rough wet spring and kids are becoming quite antsy in the house 😦 On top of that I haven’t shown poor Sarah half of the wonderful things Redding has to offer since her and her family moved here. So I rounded the kids up while Sarah made lunch for a little ” hike ” along Brandy Creek.

Brandy Creek at Whiskey Town

Brandy Creek

I love this creek and the lake that it meets up with. Can you believe I have lived with my husband in the Redding area for about five years now and he just showed me this only two years ago??!! How I adore my husband ♥

When we first got there we parked and followed the paved path along the creek on our way down to the Lake for a picnic lunch. The kids were so stoked at being out of the house and on an adventure.

My youngest trekking along 🙂

My eldest looking serious...as usual ♥

Sarah and her Boy on a little bridge over the creek. This leads into a more serious trail.

The beach was chilly but manageable so we picked a table close to the water and had fun throwing rocks into the lake and chasing the geese away from our food.

Whiskey Town Lake, where Brandy Creek runs out

Sarah's youngest eating it on her way down to the lake

Sarah and her kids

When everyone had their fill we headed back up along the creek again but this time we decided to let the kids sorta lead us along the many paths through the trees and rocks.

This is when the fun starts, when you step aside to let them lead and see through their eyes everything turns into some sort of fantasy and your transported into a world full of magic and wonder.

My absolutely favorite part about this area

The Picnic Area down by Whiskey Town Lake

So Peaceful ☼

A small bridge built over a runoff meeting up with the creek. I like to imagine that bridges like these built-in with nature, were add by some magical creatures of the forest ♥

Watching all the older children hike through the tree and climb over rocks made me feel so blessed to have them in my life. Life is sometimes trying…. Parenting is sometimes trying but…..when you stop to watch these small wonders everything sort of fades away and you realize its worth the effort.

I’m amazed lately at how far we have all come and the fact that my sister and I are both Mothers with children that are growing up. GROWING! Can you imagine? I still feel like we are children sometimes.

So back to the kids. They are so, SO big! The two oldest need no help at all climbing over rocks and my youngest kindly yelled at me ” Mommy I can do it myself!! ” when asked if she needed my help climbing up the rocks with her sister and cousin. All I could do was step back and watch her and except what she said 😦 I’m not going to lie, my heart broke a little….only a little though.

The kids blowing my mind a little with how big they are climbing on the rocks!!

So cute ♥

The kids and I striking a pose on the rocks 🙂

A successful trip to the creek ♥ Mommies and Kids worn out and everyone a little more at peace with themselves and the world!

