No Yeast Homemade Pizza

Quick and Easy Homemade Pizza

Want pizza for dinner? But, don’t want the cost of ordering in or the hassle of homemade pizza dough?

Well then! I have a solution for you 🙂 I while back I posted a recipe for Quick and Easy Hamburger Buns…You should check it out! Anyways, I’ve been so pleased with this super easy and highly affordable way to have some buns in the house, like stat!

So…to the point. One evening my girls were begging me…”Mommy, please, please, can we have pizza for dinner,” and after several attempts of trying explain to them that I did not have the money to order in and it was way to late to start prepping pizza dough, I started to consider tortilla pizzas…and then I had an awesome idea! Maybe, I could swing it with the no yeast bun recipe?..??? and, I did!

I mean, come on! That looks amazing, right?

Now, before you venture forth, there are somethings you must understand.

  1. This is NOT a yeast crust. Do not expect the same chewiness yeast provides.
  2. Although easy, this crust still requires some bread baking skill 🙂
  3. If you happen to be a pizza elitist then turn back now.
  4. Don’t worry 🙂 The pizza although not as traditional is quite delicious!

 Ok, first your going to want to visit the recipe here or at the bottom of this post 🙂 If you’re using a pizza stone, place it in the oven and preheat. If you are using a regular cookie sheet or pizza sheet you may roll the crust out directly on that. I use a pizza peel (which I love).  Generously spread cornmeal over the entire service. This helps it to slide off easily and add texture and taste to the crust. Using well floured hands separate your dough in half (remember, this dough is super sticky) Shape half your dough into a disc and place on the pizza peel. Using your rolling-pin, roll the dough out evenly, flouring the entire time.

Slide the dough on to your preheated pizza stone, or just place in the oven if you’re using a regular baking sheet. Cook from 2-4 minutes, to help your dough set up. Then pull out of the oven to put your toppings on.

At this point, you are free proceed with whatever toppings strike your fancy. I usually spread olive oil over the crust, followed by sauce. Then comes a good helping of mozzarella cheese, a small bit of cheddar, some pepperoni and a sprinkling of parmesan.

Once you have the crust covered with toppings, place it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. You can always turn the oven to broil the last couple of minutes to brown the cheese (which my husbands loves). Just make sure you watch it when it’s broiling, it is like a law of nature or something for things to burn under the broiler if you stop paying attention for the slightest second! Also, while your pizza is finishing cooking you can start preparing the rest of your dough.

Let the pizza rest for a few minutes before cutting it.

Finally. Eat and Enjoy!

This was a HUGE hit in my home! Definitely worth a try 🙂


Feel free to separate the dough even more, for personal style pizza, just don’t roll the crust too thin.

[gmc_recipe 1389]

Happy Cooking



Italian Wedding Soup Recipe

I had some delicious German meatball soup the other day and could not get it out of my head. I kept meaning to buy ingredients to make it, I kept forgetting too…

The meatballs are made with pork and beef and I don’t usually have ground pork around…I do always have ground beef though “light bulb”, I could still have a meatball soup of sorts!

Which brings me to the Recipe I’m going to share with you 🙂

Italian Wedding Soup

This soup was so tasty, I can’t deny it! I had two bowls and then had it for lunch the next three days!

I used my ground beef and whipped up some homemade meatballs, some baby spinach I always have on hand, and some tiny star-shaped pasta I have saved for something special.?….

Your more than welcome to use store-bought meatballs but please, do not let these intimidate you! Meatballs are so easy to put together 🙂 Something I had forgotten and then re-realized thanks to my sister ♥

The rest of the soup is pretty much the same base you use for chicken noodle.

So for your eating pleasure, here is the recipe:

[gmc_recipe 1479]

Happy Cooking

