Healthier State of Living Week 2 Update

Weekly Update

Once again, I find myself lagging in the posting department this week 😦 Life happens. If you missed my last update you can find it here.

Week 2 Goals:

  1. Be asleep no later than 11 most nights, preferably by 10:30.
  2. Wake by 6:30 am at the latest.
  3. Walk my dog every morning.
  4. Practice Yoga at least 3 times a week.
  5. Eat sensibly and regularly so I do not overeat by the end of the day.
  6. Practice Oil Pulling, Drink Lemon Water every morning, and enjoy Apple Cider Elixir ever afternoon.
  7. Take a nap when my body is telling me I need more rest.
  • I went to sleep by 1am almost every night since my return from Redding (daylight savings!)
  • I was up between 7-8 (daylight savings)
  • I walked my dog everyday (improvement)
  • I did not practice yoga even 1 day (seems I traded walking for yoga 😦 )
  • I ate MUCH better! I cooked a sensible meal almost every evening with little to no cheese, added veggies, lean meat, and whole grains. I was good about stopping before my full meter was up. (I feel good about this one)
  • I practiced oil pulling 4 days out of 7. I did not drink lemon water at all (I am better set up this week) I drank apple cider elixir 4 nights.
  • I took several naps.

I did not meet all my goals in week 2 but I’m going to give myself a break. Week two followed are fly by trip to Redding and I think I can be human for one week. Only one though. 

I am going to keep all my goals the same until I meet them. I don’t think they are overwhelming or impossible so lets see if I can make week three! I lost 3 pounds and I do feel more energetic so I am on the right track 🙂

A Note on Apple Cider Vinegar

The list of health benefits for apple cider vinegar is long but I am only going to touch a few. I decided to incorporate it into my diet to help with weight management, PMS symptoms, sinus discomfort, acne, to keep my urine at a more acidic state, and as an overall detoxifier.

For more info and benefits please follow these links:

I stumbled upon a delicious recipe for an Apple Cider Elixir on pinterest, which of course led me to read up on it. After reading on the benefits I decided it was worth a go. You can find the recipe I use at Delighted Momma. I was nervous at first but honestly, this recipe is delicious! The only change I add is to substitute honey for the stevia syrup.

I don’t think I have drank it regularly enough to notice a huge effect but I am more regular on the days that I drink it. My skin has smoothed out slightly.

Next week I will cover the benefits of drinking lemon water and post a progress picture 🙂

See you then!


A Quest for a Healthier State of Living

A New Health Regime For Me

Welcome to my Quest for a Healthier State of Living Weekly Journal

Well if anyone knows me, they know that I am perpetually exhausted.  Yes, I know, the joys of motherhood. Yes, it will pass. Yes, it comes with the territory…and all that jazz.

And while all this is true and I appreciate the sentiment there is more to the story.

The real facts are I am overweight, I have poor sleep habits, I yo yo between healthy eating and stuffing my face with cheese and carbs, and I have terrible time management skills. Add my two daughter’s 19 months apart, a house to care for, too many pets and plants, an exhausted husband, crippling PMS every month, and oh, yeah, my attempt at a home business, is it really no wonder I am extremely tired most days?  😦

I want to change all this. My eldest daughter is coming up on kindergarten this fall and I feel like I might actually have to attempt to be a real adult by this time…sad face. SO! time for a change, right?………….

Ideally I would like to achieve a state of living where I am up most mornings before my family to start my day with a little piece of mind. I am eating healthy yet not feeling deprived. I have enough energy to run my household and have patience with my daughters.  I have time to dedicate to my business and home. Most of all, I want to feel happy and fulfilled in all that I do!

To start I have put together a routine for myself (mostly focusing on getting in shape, at this point) I’m sure it will change and evolve as time goes on.

  • Be asleep no later than 11 most nights, preferably by 10:30.
  • Wake by 6:30 am at the latest.
  • Walk my dog every morning.
  • Practice Yoga at least 3 times a week.
  • Eat sensibly and regularly so I do not overeat by the end of the day.
  • Practice Oil Pulling, Drink Lemon Water every morning, and enjoy Apple Cider Elixir ever afternoon.
  • Take a nap when my body is telling me I need more rest.

Small but sensibly start I think. I will be posting an extra post each week journaling my progress and explaining further some of the practices I am using to help get in shape 🙂

By all means please feel free to follow along, ask questions, and Please, I would love to hear your feedback and opinions. Most importantly, keep me accountable!

  • What do you do to stay energized?
  • What do you do to keep in shape?
  • What tricks or solutions do you have for eating right when your exhausted?
  • Do you practice oil pulling? How did it work for you?
  • Do you detox with apple cider vinegar?

Have an amazing day
