October Unprocessed Week 2

Homemade Butter Recipe

So here we are week 2 of October Unprocessed has come and gone! I realize this is technically posting into the third week…but as you know, life gets away from me 🙂 If you are unsure of what October Unprocessed is follow this link. Basically I took a pledge to eat unprocessed (or the best I can) for the month of October….

I chose to feature 4 homemade recipes for the challenge and for week two I made homemade butter 🙂 If you missed the first week which was Homemade Ranch click here.

The little ladies and I pushed up our sleeves and shook our way to the most delicious and fresh butter ever!

Homemade Butter


  • 16 oz Heavy Whipping Cream
  • Sea Salt (to taste)
  • Mason Jar

First you want to set your cream out to come to room temperature. It takes less time for the butter to separate from the cream I guess.  We just set ours out in the jar and bonus Classico jars already have oz measurements on them!

Set out the cream to come to room temperature.

Make sure the lid to your jar is secure and then proceed to shake, shake, shake! Enlist help from littles when possible! Should take about 15 minutes for the butter to separate from the milk.

Shake the heavy cream until the butter separates from the milk.

Always display a positive attitude.

Almost there…..just a little longer.

When the butter has completely separated it should look something like this:

The butter is fully separated and ready to rinse.

After you have shaken, and shaken, and you can shake no more you are going to line a mesh strainer with cheesecloth or in my case a tea towel and then place this over a bowl. Fill another bowl up with cold water and ice and place in the sink.

Poor your butter and butter milk out into the lined mesh strainer and let as much of the buttermilk drain as possible.

Let the butter drain once more.

Pull your drained butter out by the cheesecloth/tea towel and start dipping it into the ice water. This is to finish rinsing the buttermilk off of your butter. Helps keep it from going sour. In addition I let the butter drain once more before I salted it.

Butter is ready for seasoning.

Salt butter to taste…once again enlist help from the littles 🙂

Salt your butter to taste.

Go ahead and taste the left over buttermilk because you should always just taste everything 😛 You can save this buttermilk for later..yum! Pancakes later maybe?

Taste the buttermilk?

You are finished! You can shape and wrap the butter with plastic wrap or waxed paper. I put mine into an airtight container. I will try to shape it as I get more confident at making it.

Enjoy some of your butter and then refrigerate.

Most important part! Eat and Enjoy! You should probably just by default have a warm loaf of bread available to smother it with…Just sayin.

Happy Cooking

