Canned Homemade Applesauce

Homemade Applesauce

Recently I posted about the bounty of my neighborhood in Neighborhood Bounty.. In The post I mentioned meeting a new neighbor and obtaining some fresh apples.

I decided to turn those apples into the most delicious homemade applesauce with my friend Cassie 🙂

Have you ever peeled tiny apples? Oh My! It was time-consuming. Peeling, cutting, cooking, and jarring took us a better part of a whole day but we had a lot of fun and the applesauce has such a robust flavor. Not at all like what you find at the store.

If you would like to make your own applesauce here are the instructions:

1. Obtain fresh apples from a nice neighbor or friend. (the amount is not entirely relevant, you just need a good amount)

2. Peel and Cut those apples

3. Cook apples and can according to your canning method 🙂

 Applesauce Recipe:

  • large amount of apples
  • raw sugar
  • fresh lemon juice and peel
  • water
  1. Peel and cut apples. Squeeze lemon juice over cut apples to prevent them from turning brown.
  2. Fill a stockpot with your apples, lemon peel and just enough water to barely reach the top of your apples (this prevents burning). Cook over medium high heat until apples start to break down.
  3. remove from heat and mash down with a potato masher to your favorite consistency.
  4. Add sugar to taste.
  5. Can according to your Canning method.
  6. Enjoy!


This applesauce tastes delicious in oatmeal!

Happy Canning

